Dny ubíhají, čokoládky v adventním kalendáři ubývají a Vánoce se neúprosně blíží. A sváteční atmosféra je všude kolem. Kromě mě. Protože jsem nemocná, ležím doma a třeští mi hlava, ale i tak jsem ze sebe nějakou tu vánoční náladu vyhrabala a mám tu pro vás Christmas tag. Tak si ho užijte a usaďte se nejlépe v křesle, s horkou čokoládou a vánoční hudbou (doporučení - Reindeers are better than people).
Tak to bychom tady byli dlouho, kdybych vám měla říct všechny, ale mezi nejoblíbenější patří rozhodně Sám doma, Polární Expres, Grinch a poměrně nově taky Frozen (jak můžete vyvodit z mého doporučení ná písničku)!
2. Oblíbená vzpomínka na Vánoce?
Popravdě ani nevím, všechny se mi tak nějak slívají dohromady, ale možná když jsme byly se ségrou ještě malý a na Štědrej Den jsme vždycky vstaly a šly se dívat do obýváku na pohádky, které jely už od rána a rodiče ještě spali a bylo to takový hezky vánoční (dokud jsem ségru nehryzla do zad, protože mi zacláněla). Haha ne, já jsem vážně byla ještě malá a tak vůbec, nesuďte mě.
3, Oblíbené sváteční jídlo?
Vuhů, když pominu fakt, že sním, na co přijdu, byly by to asi vanilkový rohlíčky, losos a brownies. A taky tyhle vánoční lízatka! Ale řekla bych, že ty líp vypadají, než chutnají.
4. Oblíbený dárek?
Nevím, to jsou mi otázky. Že by chlupaťoučkej fialovej župan? Ne, počkat mám to, jak jsem na to mohla zapomenout? Moje první číslo Vogue, krásnej dárek ♥
5. Nejoblíbenější vůně?
Skořice. Rozhodně, miluju ji. A hned potom vůně čerstvých perníčků, ta je taky dokonalá! Nebo jehličí, ňami, ňami.
6. Nějaké vánoční tradice?
Spíš spoustu z těch klasických nedodržujeme. Ale vždycky před tím, než si máme rozbalit dárky, jdeme někam pryč a máma (Ježíšek) zazvoní na zvoneček, a pak většinou ještě třeba hrajeme na klavír nebo tak. A pak jíme miliardu cukroví, ale to asi moc tradice není.
7. Co je pro tebe na Vánocích nejlepší věc?
Asi to bude znít otravně, ale prostě celá ta atmosféra, sobíci všude kolem, sníh za okny, ale asi vůbec nejlepší moment je ten, když vidím, jak si dotyčný rozbalý dárek a hrozně se mu líbí a je šťastný, ty jiskřičky v očích jsou prostě s ničím nezaměnitelný!
Tak, dost mého blábolení (to je tou horečkou), snad se vám článek líbil, napište mi zase svoje odpovědi! Užívejte si zimy, Vánoc a kašlete na školu, za chvíli jsou Vánoce, škola nikoho nezajímá!
P.S. Mám se jít kouknout na Sám doma nebo na Frozen?
1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
there's SO many, I love National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, Home
Alone, Elf, The Santa Clause etc. but one that I watch every year,
without fail is The Snowman on Christmas eve. I absolutely adored the
Snowman and The Snow dog. My dad bought me the little plushie last year,
so cute.
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
on Christmas morning (usually whilst scoffing Christmas chocolate) We
usually get new Christmas Pyjamas on Christmas Eve, but we save the
present opening for Christmas day morning.
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
parents always used to go all out at Christmas. We'd come downstairs
to presents, balloons, reindeer prints made out of glitter, red and
white tape for the north pole, it was so magical as kids!
4. favourite festive food?
Aside from chocolate...Roast potatoes during Christmas dinner, so many roast potatoes.
5. Favourite Christmas gift ?
can't remember how old I was, but it was the year of the Furby. I'm
sure there were small riots amongst the shelves in Toys R us. My parents
pretended they couldn't get me one but then it was hidden behind the
sofa! (anyone else hide theirs in the wardrobe at night, they were so
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
Christmas dinner cooking, mmm or the smell of the Christmas tree!
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Just that it's family time, we'll usually all have wine, the fire on, lots of yummy food and sit down in our new pyjamas to watch Christmas films.
8. What tops your tree?
For years and years it was a little gold vintage angel, my dad always lifted me up to put it on the tree, when I was a kid... at the very end of decorating everything. She was always kind of wonky and worn looking, but it was tradition. These days it's a big gold glittery star.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not in an ungrateful way. I mean, I used to circle half of the Argos catalogue!But every year I would ask for a dog, without fail. One year my parents brought it a huge box, with holes in and something was moving. I was certain it was a puppy...it was a rabbit ha ha Still one of the best pets I've ever had though. Then last year, I finally bought myself my own Christmas puppy :) Oscar on the 21sr of December. He was certainly worth the wait.
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my loves ones, friends and family, after eating Christmas dinner, watching Only fools and Horses episodes that we've seen ten times already. Watching the snow fall and generally having a lovely time.
- See more at: http://milkbubbletea.blogspot.co.uk/#sthash.eOak9PKB.dpufJust that it's family time, we'll usually all have wine, the fire on, lots of yummy food and sit down in our new pyjamas to watch Christmas films.
8. What tops your tree?
For years and years it was a little gold vintage angel, my dad always lifted me up to put it on the tree, when I was a kid... at the very end of decorating everything. She was always kind of wonky and worn looking, but it was tradition. These days it's a big gold glittery star.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not in an ungrateful way. I mean, I used to circle half of the Argos catalogue!But every year I would ask for a dog, without fail. One year my parents brought it a huge box, with holes in and something was moving. I was certain it was a puppy...it was a rabbit ha ha Still one of the best pets I've ever had though. Then last year, I finally bought myself my own Christmas puppy :) Oscar on the 21sr of December. He was certainly worth the wait.
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my loves ones, friends and family, after eating Christmas dinner, watching Only fools and Horses episodes that we've seen ten times already. Watching the snow fall and generally having a lovely time.
1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
there's SO many, I love National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, Home
Alone, Elf, The Santa Clause etc. but one that I watch every year,
without fail is The Snowman on Christmas eve. I absolutely adored the
Snowman and The Snow dog. My dad bought me the little plushie last year,
so cute.
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
on Christmas morning (usually whilst scoffing Christmas chocolate) We
usually get new Christmas Pyjamas on Christmas Eve, but we save the
present opening for Christmas day morning.
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
parents always used to go all out at Christmas. We'd come downstairs
to presents, balloons, reindeer prints made out of glitter, red and
white tape for the north pole, it was so magical as kids!
4. favourite festive food?
Aside from chocolate...Roast potatoes during Christmas dinner, so many roast potatoes.
5. Favourite Christmas gift ?
can't remember how old I was, but it was the year of the Furby. I'm
sure there were small riots amongst the shelves in Toys R us. My parents
pretended they couldn't get me one but then it was hidden behind the
sofa! (anyone else hide theirs in the wardrobe at night, they were so
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
Christmas dinner cooking, mmm or the smell of the Christmas tree!
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Just that it's family time, we'll usually all have wine, the fire on, lots of yummy food and sit down in our new pyjamas to watch Christmas films.
8. What tops your tree?
For years and years it was a little gold vintage angel, my dad always lifted me up to put it on the tree, when I was a kid... at the very end of decorating everything. She was always kind of wonky and worn looking, but it was tradition. These days it's a big gold glittery star.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not in an ungrateful way. I mean, I used to circle half of the Argos catalogue!But every year I would ask for a dog, without fail. One year my parents brought it a huge box, with holes in and something was moving. I was certain it was a puppy...it was a rabbit ha ha Still one of the best pets I've ever had though. Then last year, I finally bought myself my own Christmas puppy :) Oscar on the 21sr of December. He was certainly worth the wait.
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my loves ones, friends and family, after eating Christmas dinner, watching Only fools and Horses episodes that we've seen ten times already. Watching the snow fall and generally having a lovely time.
- See more at: http://milkbubbletea.blogspot.co.uk/#sthash.eOak9PKB.dpuJust that it's family time, we'll usually all have wine, the fire on, lots of yummy food and sit down in our new pyjamas to watch Christmas films.
8. What tops your tree?
For years and years it was a little gold vintage angel, my dad always lifted me up to put it on the tree, when I was a kid... at the very end of decorating everything. She was always kind of wonky and worn looking, but it was tradition. These days it's a big gold glittery star.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not in an ungrateful way. I mean, I used to circle half of the Argos catalogue!But every year I would ask for a dog, without fail. One year my parents brought it a huge box, with holes in and something was moving. I was certain it was a puppy...it was a rabbit ha ha Still one of the best pets I've ever had though. Then last year, I finally bought myself my own Christmas puppy :) Oscar on the 21sr of December. He was certainly worth the wait.
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my loves ones, friends and family, after eating Christmas dinner, watching Only fools and Horses episodes that we've seen ten times already. Watching the snow fall and generally having a lovely time.
wow your pictures so cute *o* I love christmas time ♥
OdpovědětVymazatPlease follow me :)
Je to hrozné, ale přijde mi že film Sám doma už k těm Vánocům pro mě neodmyslitelně patří :-)
OdpovědětVymazatMoc hezký tag :)
OdpovědětVymazatWelcome!♥Reviews everywhere
Fotky jsou super!!:)
Ty fotky jsou naprosto úžasné!:O